"Rocket Raccon" (2015 Marvel Comics by Skottie Young) Issue #1 2 3 Run
ROCKET RACCOON by Skottie Young (Marvel 2014) #1 2 3
Issue #1: ALL-NEW, IN-CONTINUITY SERIES! As defenders of the cosmos go, Rocket Raccoon has faced his fair share of galactic battles. He's been a hero to the weak, a champion of good, a protector of the innocent, a heartthrob to the many intergalactic female species and now--a raccoon on the run?! ( I'm sorry, I'm sorry, a 'formidable-and-expert-Guardian' on the run. Rocket is NOT a raccoon, okay?) Rocket's high-flying life of adventure and heroism may soon be a thing of the past when he becomes a wanted man-and the authorities are not the only one on his TAIL! (We'll definitely be overusing that pun!) Superstar creator Skottie Young brings his A-game as writer and artist on the series we've been waiting decades for. Because let's be real, this is the only Guardian of the Galaxy you actually care about. Am I right?
Issue #2: FRAMED. The most notorious Raccoon in the galaxy has been arrested and falsely accused of murder! The real killer? An imposter procyon that seems to be one step ahead of Rocket at every turn. Now, it's up to Rocket and a certain someone from Planet X to find the truth!
Issue #3: Everyone's favorite pistol-packin' procyon* finally finds himself face-to-face with the intergalactic imposter. It's macho ado about everything as Macho Gomez guest-stars and the Ex-Terminators are hot on Rocket's tail! *Procyon is the scientific term for raccoon, obviously.