King-Cat Comics and Stories #73 by John Porcellino


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"In this issue of King-Cat Comics & Stories, John Porcellino may have the opportunity to achieve one of his life goals: see a Cuckoo! Through near misses, a lot of research, and a little bit of creepy lurking, John gets close to figuring out his mystery bird… John’s excitement and investigation have a comedic edge to it, but you can’t help but be overwhelmed by how honest he is about his enthusiasm.

Other stories include the light-hearted Mr. Bowser and his Little Cat Friends in “At The Movies” (don’t theater-hop, kids!), analysis of Unusual Groundhog Behavior, an anxiety dream about comics, and a lengthy profile of the Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel.* Autobio comics don’t get any finer than King-Cat comics!


*Reading this issue I got as excited as John in the Cuckoo story, when I realized that maybe those “chipmunks” I saw in Wisconsin a month ago were actually Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels!" - Radiator Comics

“Hunkered down in South Beloit, IL when not on the road selling his wares, John has ample time to make note of the local nature scene. In this issue, we get an update on unusual groundhog behavior, a story about the hunt for an elusive cuckoo bird (spoiler alert: it’s not a cuckoo bird), the “King Cat Top 40″ (which seems to be only 36 this time.) and my personal favorite, a “Spotlight On: Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel”. -Chris Auman of Reglar Wiglar