"Coochy Cooty Men's Comics" by Robert Williams (Juxtapoz) *MATURE READERS ONLY*


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'Coochy Cooty Men's Comics" by Robert Williams

Published September 1994. 28 pages. Black and white comics throughout with cardstock covers in glorious Robert Williams color!

Quality underground comics by former Zap contributor, godfather of lowbrow and founder of the infamous Juxtapoz Magazine, Mr. Robert Williams! This is the gorgeous second edition by Last Gasp in 1994, printed on heavy-duty white paper with thick cardstock covers. Features stories: "Pee for Free A Penny A Poop", "The Pursuit of The...", "Law of the Lame" and Coochy Cooty in "The Gorilla Woman of the Third Reich".

"Coochy Cooty give us some of Robert Williams' finest work, including the majestic "The Gorilla Women of the Third Reich." His intricate drawings cannot be digested with a glance; they require devoted study. And how 'bout these titles: "Pee for Free, a Penny a Poop" and "Flaming Mammyjism"!" - comixjoint