"Megalith" by Chad Bilyeu w/ James the Stanton, E.S. Glenn, Bernie Mireault (The JAM)


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Megillah - Edited by Chad Bilyeu. Published by Bistro Books in November of 2021. 6.5" x 8.25", Full-color covers and interior. Perfect-bound Paperback.48 pages. $12

Megillah is a comic anthology curated by Chad "in Amsterdam" Bilyeu. Eschewing theme in favor of format, six artists are given eight pages to do whatever they please in respect to good taste and good manners. This anthology is created in conjunction with the good people at the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA).

Artists in Megillah #01:

EKS Graphics/Iva Spasojevic: https://www.instagram.com/eks.graphics/ (SRB/NL)

Eric Why: https://www.erycwhy.com/ (US/NL)

James the Stanton: https://www.instagram.com/gnartoons/ (US)

E.S. Glenn: https://www.instagram.com/ev_glenn/ (US/DE)

Bernie Mireault: https://www.facebook.com/bernie.mireault (CA)

Larie Cook: https://www.instagram.com/lariecook/ (NL)