"Tales from the Hyperverse" by William Cardini
Tales from the Hyperverse by William Cardini
32 pages, 7" x 10", full color, stapled bound. Published in 2017. $8 Cover Price.
Tales from the Hyperverse collects a series of short comics that Will Cardini has been sporadically drawing from 2009 to now. The comics are set in the same psychedelic space fantasy cosmos, the Hyperverse, where wizards and witches battle over strange artifacts left by ancient aliens. It includes comics published online at Study Group and Arthur Mag, in newsprint anthologies such as Smoke Signal and Secret Prison, and 14 new pages. All the comics that were originally black and white will now be in color and Cardini has enlisted his frequent collaborator Josh Burggraf to add his own painterly colors to 5 pages.
William Cardini is a psychedelic cartoonist. He lives in Kansas City with his wife and daughter. His first graphic novel, Vortex, was published by Sparkplug Books in 2014. Most of his second graphic novel, Skew, was serialized on the Study Group Comics website from 2014 to 2016.
"Tales from the Hyperverse is a collection of short, brightly colored comics set in my psychedelic sf cosmos, the Hyperverse, that I drew from 2009 to 2017. My frequent collaborator Josh Burggraf colored five of the comics. Retrofit / Big Planet Comics published it via a Kickstarter campaign in Summer 2017." - William Cardini
“These short comics, strung together in this 32-page personal anthology, are likely Cardini’s strongest work yet. Bizarrely impersonal and naturalistic in their warped way, Tales from the Hyperverse is a dog eat dog kind of comic, and a fine cap to the Retrofit 2017 season.” – Alex Hoffman on Sequential State.