"Journey to Star Wars: Force Awakens - Shattered Empire" (2015 Marvel Comics) Issue #1 2 3 4 Full Run by Greg Rucka & Phil Noto
"Journey to Star Wars: Force Awakens - Shattered Empire" (2015 Marvel Comics) Issue 1 2 3 4 Full Series Complete Run
For the first time in the new Star Wars canon, journey with us into the time after the end of Return of the Jedi! Writer Greg Rucka (PUNISHER, WOLVERINE, Gotham Central) and artist Marco Checchetto (AVENGERS WORLD, PUNISHER) take us past the destruction of the second Death Star into the chaos of a Shattered Empire.
Concluding the first new-canon comic tale set between episodes VI and VII! As the Empire Shatters around them, Rebel heroes fight for a better tomorrow! Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto take us into the more recent long, long time ago!