"So Buttons" #6 by Jonathan Baylis feat. Basquiat, Josh Bayer, Jay Lynch's Final Garbage Pail Kids Art
"So Buttons #6" Comics Anthology Published by Alchemy Comix
5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″, 24 pages. Full-color covers & color interior.
Jonathan Baylis’s anthology of mostly funny, upbeat, true stories continues. Written by Baylis, but in the Harvey Pekar tradition, each is drawn by a different artist.
Issue #6 features cover art by underground and Garbage Pail Kids legend Jay Ly*ch and includes Baylis's longest story yet about art, life, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, featuring bookends by Victor Kerlow (Everything Takes Forever) and interiors by Becky Hawkins (French Toast Comix). T.J. Kirsch (She Died in Terrebonne) tackles the perfect holiday gift and Sam Spina (Spinadoodles) exploits imperfect revenge. Fred Hembeck is back again with a sequel to Baylis’s Marvel internship story followed by an appropriate solo piece by Josh B*yer about what it means to be an aging cartoonist in this industry.