"No Romance in Hell" by Hyena Hell *MATURE READERS*


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No Romance In Hell by Hyena Hell

6" x 9", 24 pages. Full-color covers with black and white interior art. Published in 2020. $5 cover price

"Disappointed with her romantic prospects in Hell, a demon ascends to Earth’s surface on a quest for loving tenderness from human men. Disappointment, disintegration, and hilarity ensue in this brimstone-infused roasting of modern romance."

top review on goodreads:

"No Romance in Hell is a Silver Sprocket comic, issue #1, about a woman just wants love (okay, no, sex) on her own terms. She's in Hell, and none of the guys there are right for her and if they are wrong and say something stupid to her, she destroys them. Until she meets a giant guy torturing sinners with a sharp stick, who rejects her. The guy looks quite a bit like a more muscled Zippy the Pinhead, by Bill Griffith. THIS is the guy for her!

So she goes back to Earth and tries a version of Tinder called Burner, but every guy is an idiot, her response to which is incinerating each and every one of them.

So she goes back to Hell and the guy has a change of "heart" and they get it on, tumbling over a cliff to crash in ecstasy. What does she want? NOT to meet his Mom and Dad, I'll just say that. NOT to be wooed with flowers. It reminded me of a Bonnie Raitt song, "Love Me Like a Man," where she sings, "I want a MAN to love me, not some fool to ask me why."

So, the takeaway: IS there romance in (Hyena) Hell? Not really, no, that's not really her jam." -Dave Schaafsma