"Labyrinthectomy/Luncheonette" by Chris Cilla (Kramer's Ergot, Study Group)
Published by Revival House Press. $4.99 Cover Price. 5.5" x 8.5", 36 pages. Full-color cover with b&w interior
A funny and freaky 2-in-1 comic book album; Side A, “Luncheonette” features greasy spoon yarn-spinning with the unusual gang of regulars. Side B, “Labyrinthectomy” presents a surrealistic tale about recycling beer bottles and the ontology of making a sandwich. Both stories converge in the center for an epoch-shattering round of mini golf. from the cartoonist behind the cult graphic novel, “The Heavy Hand” and contributor to Kramers Ergot and Study Group. Weirdo laughs and head scratching fun!