"Blammo" Issue #10 by Noah Van Sciver
48 pages, 6″ x 9″, full color throughout. "For ten years, Noah has been putting out Blammo, a one-person anthology in the vein of Eightball. Each issue is made up of 4-6 short stories, some historical, some autobiographical some fiction, and some plain weirdness. Noah is an award winning cartoonist whose work has been published by Fantagraphics, Uncivilized, Retrofit, and many others. " - Kilgore
"I am THE one and only Noah Van Sciver, cartoonist/comic strip artist and illustrator. I’m best known for my alternative comic book series Blammo and my weekly comic strip 4 Questions which appears every week in the alternative newspaper Westword. My work has appeared in The Best American comics 2011, Mad magazine, Sunstone, The Comics Journal, MOME and numerous comics anthologies. I’m currently hard at work on my first graphic novel The Hypo which will be published by Fantagraphics books upon its completion. I’m a cancer and I hate seafood, and adventure." - NVS